About me!

my favorite things to do...

In my freetime I loves pending time weith my friends, playing volleyball, and going to the beach.

My favorite foods...

my favorite foods are pasta, peeps, and cold drinks.

My family life...

I have 3 siblings, 2 sisters and a brother, and 2 dogs.

My favorite celebrities...

My favorites celebrities are Dodja cat and Cardi B.

My favorite animals...

My favorite animals are peackocks, pandas, lions, and dogs.

My hobbys are...

my hobbies include my sport, volleyball, and art.

Summer ideas I recommend...

I recommend going to build a bear and the beach.

My dogs...

My dogs names are Olive and Benny, benny is 3 and Olibve is 13

Restraunts you should try...

I recommend you go to Via Vai, public market, and hana kitchen.